Collect bikes in your city
A Bike Collection in Your City?
Collect Donated Bikes in Your European City
Organise a bike collection where citizens and organisations donate bikes to Bikes4Ukraine and we figure out how to transport them to Ukraine.
If you’re in a city in Europe where you think that there might be potential for getting donated, used bikes, you can organise a bike collection event in collaboration with Bikes4Ukraine. Only European cities, since we simply don’t have the possibility of getting bikes shipped from outside Europe.
What Kind of Bikes?
Our Ukrainian network is very specific about what kind of bikes they can use and need.
Solid bikes in good condition. Ukraine has a preference for bikes with a “ladies“ frame or a mixte frame, since most of the people riding them are women.
Preferably bikes with a back rack or front rack or a basket. The bikes are used to transport aid and food so they need to have this capability.
NO racing bikes or mountain bikes - only regular bikes normally used in cities.
NO electric bikes.
Accessories: if you also can collect pannier bags or baskets and tool kits, extra inner tubes, brake cables, gear cables, etc., they are welcome as well.
There are challenges you should be aware of.
The war is distant for many Europeans now, so an effective communication campaign is key.
Assembling a team of volunteers to help with graphic design, fixing bikes and helping at the event - getting bikes to the storage place and loading them on the truck, etc - is integral.
Finding a secure location to store the bikes can be tricky. Perhaps the City you’re in can help by donating a space.
Follow the Journey
We will document the journey of the bikes to the people who need them in Ukraine. We’ll take photos of the bikes being loaded for shipment and we’ll take photos and films when we arrive at the drop-off point so the people who donated the money for the shipment can see the people who will receive them.
We can also make a page on this website for your specific fundraising where photos and films can be uploaded so your followers can see them. We can use your logo and text on such a page.
What You Need to Do
As we are based in Copenhagen, it is difficult for us to be involved in the planning and execution of your event so you need to be able to operate independently.
You need to make campaign material for your event for social media and/or print. You can use our logo and design style and we can discuss the designs with you.
We can give you a template for printing a sticker that can be put on all the bikes so the people who receive them know who donated them. See the photo on the left. You can add your country flag, logo, message, etc.
You can either have an event on a certain day or days, where people bring their used bike to you at a pre-arranged location like a public square - or arrange a pick-up system.
You need a secure place to store the bikes as you collect them or after you have collected them. It needs to be a place where a large truck (around 13 m long) can gain access. We will arrange transporting the bikes from this location to Ukraine. We can’t guarantee a specific day for picking up the bikes in advance, so you need this secure place.
A large truck can ship around 150-200 bikes. So 150 bikes is the minimum you have to collect.
We are a small non-profit so any funds that can be raised to help pay for transport are welcome. People who donate a bike can also donate €10 or €20 to help pay for the bikes to get to Ukraine. The raised funds can be wire transferred to Bikes4Ukraine’s bank account.
We prefer bikes that are ready-to-roll when they get to Ukraine. Bikes that require some minor repairs are okay, though. The wheels should not be bent but repairs like brakes, gears, etc - that require only marginal time - are acceptable.
If you can get local volunteers to get the bikes into good condition, that would be great. We can arrange for volunteers in Ukraine to fix some bikes, but we prefer as many bikes as possible to be ready-to-roll and safe to use.
You Can Also Fundraise and Sponsor a Shipment.
If a bike collection seems like a difficult task, you can also raise money and sponsor a shipment of our used bikes.
Check out this page for more information.
Contact us through the Contact page and write “bike collection“ in the subject field.